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Valentine day latest Love Poems for Husband and Wife and girlfriend

Valentine Love Poems
for Husband and Wife

A lot of people are searching for Valentine love poems for her, so I wrote the following romantic Valentine poem that could be sent either to a wife or to a husband.

Valentine Wish List

I wish I had words to tell you
The joy you bring to my life.
I wish you could know the wonder I feel
Realizing we're husband and wife.

I want you to feel the pleasure
That fills my heart when you smile.
If you knew what it feels like to hold you,
You'd know I feel bliss for awhile.

If we could be soul mates forever,
Each day the bright sun would shine.
I hope you know how I love you;
Please stay my sweet Valentine.

Valentine love poems can communicate lots of different messages. Here's a Valentine love poem that says enough without saying too much.
If I Could Write A Poem

I want to write a poem to tell you that I care,
And I'd write that poem to you, if only I would dare.
But poem writing scares me, so the outlook is quite bleak;
So to tell you of my feelings another outlet I must seek.

If I could write a poem, my problems would be solved.
I'd know exactly what to say; it wouldn't be involved.
I'd tell you of your grace, and of your wit and charms.
I'd mention how your eyes shine and how your laugh disarms.

I'd tell you how I love you from your head down to your toe.
And you'd know it's all the truth because a poem told you so.
But I can't write a poem, so this note must break the ice,
And do the job to win your heart, nothing less will near suffice.

What I'd really like to say is, "Would you be my Valentine?"

My Valentine

I crave your honesty on this day of love,L ove you whole-heartedly my sweet dove.O ut of the blue you shot from the sky,V ividly, beautifully stunning my eye.E ver adoring you is what I do best,Y our smile, your face and all the rest.O n days like these I truly believe,U and I are meant to be!

By Karl Fuchs
This Valentine love poem praises a woman who fills life with love and comfort.
Blessed Valentine Wife
As I look at my life with my wonderful wife,
I know that I truly am blessed.
I love her so much; love fills up my life,
Making our home a love nest.
So every day is happy for me;
She fills me with joy and delight.
My wife is as sweet as a wife can me;
She makes even dreary days bright.
So I thank the good Lord on this Valentine's Day
For blessing me in this special way.
By Karl Fuchs
vintage valentine image cherub with bow in heart frame

Valentine love poems can rhyme, or they can be in free verse. This free love poem for Valentine�s Day, in free verse, could be a Valentine poem for a boyfriend. It�s also an I Love You Valentine�s Day poem, so if you want to be expressive, and reveal your feelings, it could also be used for a Valentine�s Day poem for a girlfriend.

If Anyone Had Told Me

On Valentine�s Day,
I�m mystified at what has come over me.
Because if anyone had told me
that I could love you with my whole being,
with absolutely everything I have in me,
all my mind, body and soul,
totally, completely...
I wouldn�t have believed it.
If anyone had predicted
my entire world would come
to revolve around you...
I would have laughed.
If anyone had said
my feelings could be so intense
that I would ache to be with you,
I�d have called them crazy,
But now...
no one needs to tell me,
because I know it, I feel it, I�m engulfed in it:
I�m crazy in love with you.

Valentines Day Poems For Girl

As we watch the sun go down,
I want to let you know;
my love for you is forever,
I'll never let you go.
You're the one I've been searching for,
the one I've finally found;
without you in my life,
my world wouldn't go round.
The love you bring into my heart,
which is so true and kind;
is something in no other,
I could truly find.
You're the only one for me,
God tells me so,
deep within my heart, mind body and soul.
Today isn't just an ordinary Valentines Day,
it's all about me and you;
about the love we share,
and how it will forever continue to grow.
It's not all about the chocolates, or the dozen roses;
it's about the love we found,
how much we've been blessed.
Everything happens for a reason,
I believe this statement is true,
that's why you were sent to me,
and I was sent to you.
All I want to say,
on our very first Valentine's Day, is:
I may not be your first love,
but I promise, with all my heart,
that I will be that one from up above,
your one and only, true love!


The grand essentials
to happiness
in this life are
something to do,
something to love,
and something to hope for.


Valentines Day Poems For Wife

After so many years of loving you,
After so many things we've been through,
Still I couldn't find the reason,
Tell me why am I in so much love with you?
The day you left me,
My eyes couldn't stop crying.
The day I lost you,
A day didn't go I had pray for dying.
Come back my love,
Someone's still waiting for you.
Come back my love,
Someone will always wait for you.


This Valentine, my love, will be divine
I�ll whisk you off to every place and clime
In room enclosed, we�ll travel round the globe
Enchantment waits for us as we disrobe
You'll lay me down on sandy island shore
�Pretend� our game, adventure calls for more
With sweetness on your lips, mine own you'll kiss
A taste that rivals chocolate from the Swiss
I'll whisper tales of wild Arabian Nights
And plop into your mouth Turkish Delights
I'll play the part of harem girl, then maid
Then Warrior Princess come your heart to raid
I�ll shower you with kisses, sweet and wet
And make you lose your clothes on poker bet
Those Vegas lights will twinkle in my eyes
Then off to masquerade in a disguise


The sun rises above the hillcrest,
As does the joy of my heart;
Rays of warmth and love,
From her I will never depart.

Fresh dew upon the grass,
Young birds chirp in their nests;
I watch her gently sleep,
My love to her I silently profess.

I enjoy the stillness and calm,
Watching as she smiles and dreams;
She brings me to stillness and peace,
Like that of a slow flowing stream.

My heart and soul flow with love,
And I smile as I quietly reflect;
I�ve been handed a sweet princess,
A sweet princess to love and to protect.

A vow to myself I make,
As she quietly sleeps away;
To love and always cherish her,
Until my last breath... until my last day.


Your faith in me, I'll always look for
My belief in you I'll always ensure
Your forgiveness on my faults I seek
Your support is all I need

You bring out the best in me
You are my success key
Promise never to leave my side
In you I will always confide....

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